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# NRC12 - Non-Adjustable Regulator Conversion Kit, 12 Volt, for Dodge, Plymouth, Chrysler, and Jeep Alternators

Price: $54.95
Part #: NRC12

NEW!  Exclusive Stainless Steel Plug Retaining Clip 
When the plug falls out, someone gets stranded, no fun.

External Voltage Regulator Kit for 1988 & Up Chrysler Corporation Vehicles

# ERC12 Kit for Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep Vehicles 

Quick Start is the original developer of this kit for Chrysler, Dodge, and Jeep vehicles. A voltage regulator bypass system developed using over years of auto electric experience. You also receive our exclusive ALTERNATORMAN PHONE TECH HELP NUMBER. 

Alternatorman: I have helped hundreds of customers solve charging issues", there are many issues that are not covered in buying a regulator and plug separately. If your mechanic installs one of the external regulator kits and it does not have our exclusive plug retaining clip, it is not a Quick Start kit and your plug will eventually  fall out. Save the headache, get the support plus the correct parts.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This External Voltage Regulator Kit may also require a modified driver on newer ( approx 06 & newer vehicles, some do, some don't need a modified driver installed in the alternator)  Dodge, Chrysler, Jeep vehicles.
The modified drivers are available in our store, 150240091MOD, 46822071MOD, 46822081MOD. Not Sure if your vehicle requires a modified driver? FOR TECH HELP MESSAGE US 


Kit Contents:

Non-Adjustable Voltage Regulator with 10 amp field draw capacity, standard regulators have 5 amp field draw rating.

Molded Plug to attach to the Regulator, Plus our Exclusive Stainless Steel Plug Retaining Clip.

This product is for the Professional Auto Technician or talented Do-It-Your person. It comes with the Non-Adjustable Voltage regulator preset to 14.3 volts. Kit also includes the Molded Voltage Regulator Plug plus our Exclusive Stainless Steel Plug-Retaining Clip .

How to test your alternator on the vehicle: FOR TECH HELP MESSAGE US

To get your alternator  working, you can simply bypass the internal Alternator Regulator Control Module using our simple External Voltage Regulator conversion kit

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