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Part # 242250 - 5-Groove Pulley for Ford 1G and 2G Series Alternators Dimensions: 18mm Belt x 48mm OD x 17mm Bore

Price: $22.95
Part #: 242250
Pulley - 5-Groove

For: Ford 1G Series 40-65 Amp 2G Series and other Alternators

Used On: (1988-81) Ford, Mercury

Replaces: Ford E1EF-10A352-EA, E1EF-10A352-EB, E7EF-10A352-BA, E7FZ-10344-B, E8EF-10A352-AA, E9FZ-10344-C, GP-640, GP-664

Dimensions: 18mm Belt x 48mm OD x 17mm Bore

Features: Machined pulley cut from cold rolled steel

WAI Part No. 24-2250

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